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This website you are viewing now.. it is a staticaly generated website with an automated workflow to generate the static conent and serve it.


Third party GoodReads API returning JSON instead of XML


Terminal Task (To Do) Application written in GO


CLI program to control Phillips Hue lights written in GO


Twitch IRC client to join and receive messages for a given Twitch channel


Linux monitor layout manager written in GO


Tool to checks a given URL for security headers and TLS configurations


Kali Docker with Kali Tools Installed & Updated


Intentionally “malicious” Docker image for EDR testing

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Mobile Source | Server Source

Cross platform (iOS, Android) app that lists different company rocket launch scheules and allows you to view all the latest information about rocket launches, launch complexes and rocket payloads. This project also has a backend API as well as a Push Notification service that is automaticaly built into a Docker container for automatic deployment allowing users to register and receive push notifications when launches are taking place.


A honeypot server that collects login attempts and sends them to s3 for analysis. The server can run on any port with any message displayed before asking for a username and password.


Script to automate the setup and installation of great tools on a fresh Kali install.

pointhq dynamic dns

A PHP script to call via cron and update PointHQ records if you have a dynamic IP.